1. Dr. David Sinclair

   – Bio: A professor of genetics at Harvard Medical School, Dr. David Sinclair is renowned for his research on aging and the development of therapies to slow down and reverse the aging process. His work on sirtuins and NAD+ has been groundbreaking, and he is the author of the bestselling book “Lifespan: Why We Age—and Why We Don’t Have To.” 

  1. Dr. Aubrey de Grey

   – Bio: A biomedical gerontologist and chief science officer of the SENS Research Foundation, Dr. Aubrey de Grey is known for his bold predictions about the future of aging. He advocates for the development of regenerative medicine to repair the damage that accumulates with aging. 

  1. Dr. Nir Barzilai

   – Bio: A professor of medicine and genetics at Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Dr. Nir Barzilai is the director of the Institute for Aging Research. His research focuses on the genetics of longevity and the development of drugs that can mimic the effects of calorie restriction. 

  1. Dr. Elizabeth Blackburn

   – Bio: Awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for her discovery of telomerase, Dr. Elizabeth Blackburn is a pioneering researcher in the field of aging. Her work on telomeres and their role in cellular aging has had a profound impact on the understanding of longevity. 

  1. Dr. Valter Longo

   – Bio: A biogerontologist and director of the Longevity Institute at the University of Southern California, Dr. Valter Longo is known for his research on fasting and its effects on aging and disease. He is the author of “The Longevity Diet.” 

  1. Dr. Peter Attia

   – Bio: A physician focusing on the applied science of longevity, Dr. Peter Attia explores the most effective ways to increase lifespan and healthspan. He hosts “The Peter Attia Drive” podcast, discussing topics related to health, performance, and longevity. 

  1. Dr. Rhonda Patrick

   – Bio: A biochemist and researcher, Dr. Rhonda Patrick is known for her work on aging, nutrition, and disease prevention. She is the founder of FoundMyFitness, where she shares insights on the latest scientific research on health and longevity. 

  1. Dr. Michael West

   – Bio: A pioneer in the field of regenerative medicine, Dr. Michael West is the founder of Geron Corporation and currently the CEO of AgeX Therapeutics. His work focuses on the development of therapies to reverse aging using stem cell technology. 

  1. Dr. Brian Kennedy

   – Bio: A biologist and the director of the Centre for Healthy Ageing at the National University of Singapore, Dr. Brian Kennedy’s research aims to understand the molecular mechanisms of aging and develop interventions to extend healthspan. 

  1. Dr. Eric Verdin

    – Bio: The president and CEO of the Buck Institute for Research on Aging, Dr. Eric Verdin’s research focuses on the role of metabolism and diet in aging and age-related diseases.


  1. Dr. George Church

    – Bio: A professor of genetics at Harvard Medical School, Dr. George Church is known for his pioneering work in gene editing and synthetic biology. His research includes exploring the genetic basis of aging and developing genomic therapies for longevity.


  1. Dr. Judith Campisi

    – Bio: A professor at the Buck Institute for Research on Aging, Dr. Judith Campisi’s work focuses on the role of cellular senescence in aging and cancer. She is a leading figure in the study of the molecular and cellular mechanisms of aging.


  1. Dr. Steve Horvath

    – Bio: A professor of human genetics at UCLA, Dr. Steve Horvath is known for developing the epigenetic clock, a biomarker of aging. His research has provided new insights into the biological aging process.


  1. Dr. Mark Mattson

    – Bio: A neuroscientist at the National Institute on Aging, Dr. Mark Mattson’s research focuses on the impact of intermittent fasting and exercise on brain health and aging.


  1. Dr. James Kirkland

    – Bio: A physician and researcher at the Mayo Clinic, Dr. James Kirkland studies the role of senescent cells in aging and age-related diseases. He is a leading figure in the development of senolytic therapies.


  1. Dr. Ana Maria Cuervo

    – Bio: A professor at Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Dr. Ana Maria Cuervo is known for her research on autophagy and its role in aging. Her work has implications for developing therapies to enhance cellular cleanup processes.


  1. Dr. Matt Kaeberlein

    – Bio: A professor at the University of Washington, Dr. Matt Kaeberlein’s research focuses on the molecular mechanisms of aging and dietary interventions that can extend lifespan.


  1. Dr. Satchin Panda

    – Bio: A professor at the Salk Institute for Biological Studies, Dr. Satchin Panda is a leading researcher on circadian rhythms and their impact on health and aging. His work on time-restricted eating has garnered significant attention.


  1. Dr. Linda Partridge

    – Bio: A geneticist and professor at University College London, Dr. Linda Partridge’s research aims to understand the genetic basis of aging and develop interventions to improve healthspan.


  1. Dr. Claudio Franceschi

    – Bio: A professor at the University of Bologna, Dr. Claudio Franceschi is known for his research on the immunology of aging and the concept of “inflammaging.”


  1. Dr. João Pedro de Magalhães

    – Bio: A professor at the University of Liverpool, Dr. João Pedro de Magalhães studies the genetics of aging and longevity. His research includes creating databases of aging-related genes.


  1. Dr. Alex Zhavoronkov

    – Bio: The CEO of Insilico Medicine, Dr. Alex Zhavoronkov is a leader in the application of artificial intelligence to drug discovery and aging research.


  1. Dr. Luigi Fontana

    – Bio: A professor at the University of Sydney, Dr. Luigi Fontana’s research focuses on the role of nutrition and caloric restriction in aging and longevity.


  1. Dr. Gregory Fahy

    – Bio: The chief scientific officer at Intervene Immune, Dr. Gregory Fahy is known for his work on thymus regeneration and its potential to reverse aging.


  1. Dr. Kristen Fortney

    – Bio: The CEO of BioAge Labs, Dr. Kristen Fortney uses machine learning to identify biomarkers of aging and develop therapies to extend healthy lifespan.


These leaders are at the forefront of longevity and antiaging research, pushing the boundaries of science to uncover the secrets of extending healthy lifespan and improving the quality of life as we age. Their contributions are shaping the future of aging and transforming our understanding of how to live longer, healthier lives.
